
Facebook is Essential Right Now

With everything going on it can be easy to forget how you can be utilizing Facebook in order to communicate with your customers and market your business. Today's blog is a friendly reminder on why Facebook is still a useful platform.

Many people face the challenge of how to grow their business.  And, need a little advice on how to grow their customer base. There is one tool you are probably aware of.  However, you may not be sure how valuable it can be. I am, of, course talking about Facebook.

Facebook has been around for so long at this point that everyone is aware of its existence. It is the biggest social media network worldwide.  Still, some businesses aren’t quite familiar with its power as a marketing tool. I’m sure you’ve been there before.  Here are some reasons Facebook is essential right now.

Facebook Business Pages 

You’re trying to find a certain business on Facebook. However, you find the page but there’s little to no information on it.  Never fear, there is a way to utilize Facebook as an effective marketing platform that can help grow your business.

Facebook Engagement

It may seem obvious but the first step in gaining followers on your page is through engagement. What’s important to your customers? What engages them? Start the conversation and find out.

Engagement is proven to build brand awareness of your business and loyalty as well. It also allows you to be knowledgeable into what your customers think, want and buy.

Facebook Ads

The next step is to advertise your business by running Facebook ads. This is how you generate increasing traffic to your business and Facebook page. Facebook allows you to run advertising campaigns using self-serve tools.  In addition, you can track their performance with easy-to-read reports.

Run a campaign that fits in accordance with your budget and watch over time as traffic increases. However, keep in mind that ad campaigns are a long-term investment. Don’t be scared if you aren’t immediately seeing rapid growth. It takes time for ads to gain traction, but the results are well worth the wait.


Another way to grow is by partnering up with other business that offer complimentary services to yours. Find a similar business to yours with comparable likes and see if you can cross promote your businesses.  For instance,  this can range from anything to joint offers, contests, competitions, or even mentioning each other. You’d be surprised at how effective this can be to grow your business.

Audience Growth

Finally, you always want to be constantly and consistently growing your customer base.  Facebook allows you to create custom audiences from your existing customer data. Basically, this an ad option that targets people that are aware of your business. This way you can reach people with an interest in your product or service easily. This makes advertising on
Facebook less of a guessing game and more of a strategic method to gain new customers.
Facebook is essential when applied properly. While not many people are aware of how to go about using Facebook to its true potential.  Hopefully, you have some better insight into how to apply Facebook into your business’ marketing de medios redes sociales strategy.

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