What You Need to Know About PPC on Google

More often than not, we hear stories of business owners spending way too much money on Google Ads and getting too scared to try again. However, there are ways to cut costs on Ads and we’re here to show you five ways to benefit from Ads and save money as well.
More often than not, we hear stories of business owners spending way too much money on Google Ads and getting too scared to try again. It’s understandable seeing your money fly away and nothing to show for it. However, there are ways to cut costs on AdWords and we’re here to show you five ways to benefit from Ads and save money as well.

1. Delete Under Performing Keywords

Ads can be a beast to manage, so it’s understandable that managing all of the keywords in your campaigns can get a little difficult to keep track of. By removing under performing keywords, your overall daily budget won’t change but your top keywords would get a larger share of your daily budget. This way, the under performing words won’t eat through your budget and leave you hanging.

2. Remove Broad Match Keywords

This goes in tandem with the first point. You should be using exact match keywords, some phrase match keywords and at worst, modified broad match keywords to tighten up the queries matching your keywords. The goal here is to get rid of as many irrelevant terms as possible so that you end up paying less.

3. Smart Bid Management

In Google Ads, another key component is keeping track of how much you are bidding for your keywords. One of the default settings for Ads’ automated bid feature. Our recommendation is to turn the setting off. Most likely, the automated bids won’t make optimal use of your ad spend. Furthermore, look for terms that get lots of clicks but not many conversions. These low-converting keywords are a big source of wasted spend.

4. Review Your Search Terms Report

Knowing what’s working and what isn’t will save you a lot of headaches when it comes to saving money on your Ads campaigns. Fortunately, AdWords provides you with an analysis of the terms that your ads are showing up for in Google. Therefore, if there are any irrelevant terms that you are showing for you can simply add them to your negative keywords list and make your accounts as precise as needed. It’s a good idea to always check this analysis report each week so you can stay on track of the constantly changing nature of Ads keywords.

5. Mobile Optimization

We cannot stress enough how important it is for your digital marketing efforts to be optimized for mobile devices. The world is moving closer and closer to a mobile age and Ads is no different. Make sure that if you’re bidding on mobile search terms, that your ads are mobile optimized as well. This is vital because mobile users behave differently from non-mobile users. For example, they are more likely to place a phone call than fill out a form. Using mobile ad extensions tend to increase your CTR, and your quality score, which makes bids cheaper.
Google Ads can be a hassle to manage. It takes constant devotion to ensure that you’re getting the most bang for your buck. But with these tips and a little know-how, you should be on track to utilize a Google Ads campaign that is both cost-effective and brings in leads for your business.

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